Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby, I Was Born That Way.

     Heard about a new Apple iphone app today that can help you "pray away the gay" so to speak, from the homosexuality obsessed Christian "church" Exodus International. There is a petition for Apple to pull it and it's 4+ rating (no objectionable material). You can sign it herehttp://www.change.org/petitions/demand-that-apple-remove-ex-gay-iphone-app#?opt_new=t&opt_fb=t   Awww, and I was pondering getting the ipad2, partly so I can ruin everyone's last year Christmas gift, and partly because I thought Apple was soooo cool! Oh Apple, when did you become "the Man"? You used to be all about the young and creative standing up to the monopoly of Microsoft! Now you're associating with radical Christians because you can make a buck? In the Punk Rock days we would have shouted Sell Out!!!
     So I looked up Exodus International and their large indexed essays against same sex attraction, which they call SSA. They refuse to use the word "homosexuality" because they don't believe in it. I find all of it quite laughable as someone who has been gay since the days of landlines with corded telephones! I don't have to live up to my parents expectations or societies anymore, I've been with the same man for 24 years whether anyone likes it or not, including God! I gave up on the concept of God a long time ago but that topic is for another day, I don't worry about it!
     A lot of the essays on Exodus International seem geared toward youth like "The role of mother and father in SSA" or "What caused me to have SSA?" They cite several studies which contradict each other and explain it by saying nobody really knows, even science. They also bring up "sensitivity" in young boys a lot and seem to think they can apparently de-sensitize you into heterosexuality. The "sensitive" boys don't like playing with other boys, have bad (or not) relationships with their fathers, and resort to creative arts as teens to escape and then become addicted to gay sex. They make these broad generalizations and then constantly add this is not true of everyone of course, because it isn't and they can't prove anything and probably most people have noticed this by now in society? They constantly cite seemingly scientific sources at the same time as citing the Bible, see what psychologists have said, now look at Verse, Chapter, whatever, because if an illiterate goat herder living 3000 years ago believed it, it's true, right?
     Of course I have kept abreast of modern scientific theories on homosexuality. One of the most fascinating was different brain activity observed in gay men and gay women, it found that gay men had the same patterns of activity in the hearing centers of the brain as straight women, and gay women the same as straight men. I always thought this explains why gay men like hanging out in discos and straight women always want to go dance there, while lesbians like country music and classic rock and can't dance, like most straight men. What was I saying about broad generalizations? Oh well, I think the gays have a superior sense of humour too!
     Seriously though, I had the opposite of what these Christians think is the gay creating parents,I had a domineering mother and a caring involved father, compare to my husband who had the domineering father and sensitive traditional-type mother, yet I am as gay as the day is long. Go down to my local leather bar and ask them how gay I am, happy hour is from 4-6. These Christians point to the "sensitive" boys having distant relationships with their father and other boys and twist this into this is a choice. I don't agree and point to the brain study, born that way, scenario. The reasons I didn't like hanging out with straight guys when I was a boy are the same as they are now, straight men are really boring. Straight men like competing to levels of self injuring stupidity probably because if you are going to spread your genes they have to do this primate proving of strength to each other and females, the gays do not have a breeding instinct thus do not have to go thru this charade. As a school boy this kind of chest pounding often involved winging balls at whoever's head (usually the gay ones) to practice aim on a moving target and to impress others. Although I have met the odd gay sports fan I wouldn't say it is common, sports is not shown on TV screens in gay bars. I have had to feign interest in sports from time to time but I just see it as a waste of time especially on TV, I have never understood the fascination. Of course hating sports was a conflict in my school days, I think it's the brain difference that causes this, lesbians seem to love sports, I could never take a game that seriously.
     As for the young gay boys pursuing solitary activities, true in my case, is it any wonder? When you get into puberty and they gay starts to show, or people start to notice, they are often calling you names and treating you like a pariah and then you have your parents anger and disappointment directed at you  as well as messages from media and certain Christian groups saying out loud that gays are evil and/or destroying society, wouldn't you retreat into your own world too? It all works out in the end, society needs people who have developed creative skills or whatever solitary skills, it makes the world go round, everyone cannot be some jerk-off yelling at the TV over a hockey game or else nothing would ever get done!
     As for "sensitive" men, isn't it straight men who must "buy into" the world of the feminine?, it starts with finding a romantic spot to propose marriage followed by lengthy wedding plans followed by caring for babies. I have seen my manly straight friends succumb to all the feminizing traits that go along with raising kids, they have to go from frat house to baby shower pretty quick in some cases, who is sensitive now? If straight men weren't so "addicted" to a little pink taco once in a while they wouldn't have to sit thru Eat, Pray, Love. Women can control mens sex lives and for this they are so angry they are going to go vacuum the car for three hours or watch The Indy 500 for eight! Or go around blaming the gays for ruining traditional marriage.
     The most current theory of what causes the gay is hormones in the womb. There were a couple of studies about penis size and it was found that homosexuals had bigger ones, somehow Mainstream Media ignored these findings. It proves that God is actually on our side, no, it lends credence to the theory that elevated testosterone at a certain time of development in the womb makes the penis grow bigger and could also affect the brain. It's a lot to explain here but can easily be found on Wikipedia. I like to think that people just vary, we seem to worry lots about sexuality, people vary in lots of ways, temperament, personality, intelligence, yet we don't seem to be worrying about it as much. If we didn't have the gays then we'd all be out there competing for women, and you wouldn't like that, think of it as less competition for you straight men, and on the penis size issue, I haven't had any complaints!

*** Just did some more reading on Exodus International and found out while they were trying to establish a presence in Canada, mainstream (if you can say that) Evangelicals turned their back on them, basically said go back to Florida where y'all came from.Too radical in their ministry. Also, Calgary based "Kings Glory Fellowship" church which was linked to Exodus International had it's charitable status revoked January 2010 by Canada Revenue Agency, because they were "too political in their views on abortion, divorce, homosexuality..." Sweet! Kings Glory? My word, it sounds like a new gay bar! How do they come up with these names!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! A few well placed words injects some humour where it was needed in this scathing editorial. Well done. :))
