Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Too soon for Crystal Gun Chandeliers???

     A friend of mine received this promotional email, from a chandelier company in the US, during the last week of January, about three weeks after the shootings in Tucson. For me, and hopefully you, if you have a soul, I think it's too early. I actually think the whole thing is in bad taste, but as promoting your company goes, in a mass emailing? Maybe let some time elapse before mailing out the massive gun chandelier made of Swarovski Crystal!Lets maybe wait until Gabrielle Giffords is in full recovery and out of the news.

     If you have more money than you know what to do with how about a crystal chandelier H-Bomb? Exploding Challenger Space Shuttle? Crystal Car Accident? Crystal Twin Towers with attached mobile of Passenger Jets? Your children's eyes will sparkle with amazement and your drunken and coked up rich friends will pat you on the back for having the balls and lack of integrity that will surely assure you a seat next to Satan himself!
     While the site that promotes this proudly claims "Made in America", I'm sure the sentiment behind it does anyway! May I remind y'all that Swarovski Crystals are made in Austria, so it's more like assembled in America and built with American can-do spirit! Yay America!!!
     This just proves that the wealthiest Americans do deserve a Tax break and why America cannot afford to have Health Care for all, or other such socialist ideas like Police Departments. The wealthiest amongst us need to express themselves and their beliefs, no matter how macabre they might be, it doesn't come cheap you know!!!
     Please see my post "Economics 101" from 2010, for more insight into the fabulous world of the Rich and Famous.


  1. This chandelier was 7' long! It also was for a private residence, not a promotional piece. It was installed in a foyer (in Canada, we pronounce it "foy~yay" like the French word it is). Foyer doesn't rhyme with lawyer. I have seen a similar type of chandelier in Swarovski crystal in the design of a Chinese Dragon. It was beautiful and around $90,000. Nice.

  2. Could anything be more phallic than those big guns? lol

  3. Outside of an actual phallus? Maybe Sarah Palin running around yelling "man up" at everyone?

    This illustrates the difference between having a big dick and being a big dick!
