Monday, November 22, 2010

President of the United States of Internet

     I am really getting Palin fatigue these days. They are everywhere in the "lamestream media"; isn't it funny that Sarah Palin criticizes the media any chance she gets from her paid chair on FOX News but will appear on Network TV dancing contests and Barbara Walters interviews? My guess is that she doesn't despise this kind of media, just the media that might ask her a reasonable question like, what do you read? Why didn't she just say the real America doesn't read, at least it would have been honest? Meet The Press was talking a little about the Palin phenomenon yesterday and the question was posed, what does Washington think of this Palin takeover of the media? Well they have no idea, was the answer. They meant both Democrats and Republicans, they are too busy thinking about the next fight to even notice this stuff. Well, my friends, that's the essence of politicians, on one hand it's probably good they don't have time for continuing dance dramas on TV, and on the other it will be to their chagrin.
     Last week we witnessed the Palin baby bears lash out on facebook over criticism of Palin's Alaska. It's all too juvenile to go over the details, but let's just say 16 year old Willow Palin called a classmate a "faggot" online. While I don't really care what foul mouthed little kids say, it does send up a red flag. Reading public online  comments on this story, many people said who cares? Didn't we all use slurs at this age? No, I didn't and nor did my friends. Maybe I grew up in a different time, the freewheeling 80's? I kid of course, the Reagan years, the age of AIDS and a big recession to boot, the times were pretty conservative actually. My parents' generation used ethnic slurs and most of us at that time were trying to define ourselves against that, also my giant High School was the living example of the Canadian dream of Multiculturalism. Many of my friends came from far and wide, just like our anthem says, and certainly not all white, so no, my generation was maybe the first to try tolerance. I certainly remember jock types calling me a "faggot", it strikes fear into my heart to this day; they are fighting words or rather words to beat you up by. I believe the f word is as negative to homosexuals as the n word is to African Americans, so I do not take it lightly. I worry that a younger generation throws around these words without thought.  They know it's bad and potentially hurtful and it's their only weapon when they don't have actual words or thoughts.  If you look at Willow's tweet she used the wrong "your", she actually meant "you're" as in you are such a faggot. Hmmm somewhere along the line kids cannot summon up enough Grade school grammar to even fire off an insult correctly. Nor can they put together an argument.  The boy who criticized Palin's Alaska simply said the show is failing, hummph not really a criticism just a jab.  Young man, you should say where and how it is failing, but I guess you can't on twitter as there are not enough characters available. So we enter a world where all arguments must be settled in a few sentences? Enter Sarah Palin's 2012 strategy, there is no substance, no policy, only talking points and sound bites. Remember when George Bush didn't even know what the internet was? Maybe he called it "the interweb" that's how I remember it anyway, I long for those days! Sarah may very well win the next election because she is becoming the Queen of the TwitterSphere and perhaps all other media as well. I think I see her strategy now: send out tweets, appear on fake reality shows that you have full editorial control over, get the kids involved too, let the family say whatever it wants and the "Lamestream media" will react over it. It's all about Mass Distraction; while everyone is worried about what Willow said, nobody will notice who Sarah is actually palling around with on FOX News and making millions of dollars. It will be a very sad day when the Americans forgo their first Black President over the first President of the Internet. She knows it's what the public want, the public want an American Idol election, a reality show vote. Sarah Palin is now a reality show, the problem with reality TV though is that very little of it is actually real.

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