Friday, November 26, 2010

The Sun Also Rises

So the Sun media, famous for it's tabloid opinion based newspapers in Canada finally got its license to broadcast SunTV, ha ha but not the license they wanted; the CRTC gave them ordinary pay cable status just like most cable stations. Leger Marketing did a survey last fall that shows 76% of Canadians are unwilling to pay extra for another news channel, so I wish them well.
     Anyone who grew up in a city that carried the Sun knows what they are about, it's all opinion, advertisements and sunshine girls, there used to be sunshine boys too but maybe they thought that was too gay? I'm not even sure they have sun shine girls anymore? Did they have to bow to political correctness and not be so demeaning and objectifying to women? In the modern world I have read some of their articles online and used to comment at times because their stance was always egregiously right wing or just plain old sexist, homophobic or racist. I abandoned that little hobby because it was causing undue stress and the regular followers were just plain scary. They have no moderation on their site so there was a regular crowd of cooks, some were even White Supremacists. It always got to a point where people would get way off topic, personally insult, threaten, even impersonate under one of my fake names. I really just wanted to destroy one of their dumb arguments with logic or an actual fact but these folksy-folks are foul mouthed and really angry at anyone they perceive as a "paleo-liberal". I always wondered where all the anger came from? I don't think it's real or justified. You live in a country where you can apparently have the time to write to comment threads and/or own a computer to do so, we don't have it so bad in this country my friend!
     Apparently SunTV already broadcasts in Toronto and London, Ontario, it looks kinda like A Channel, sort of an independent station nobody would watch because it's a bunch of American sitcoms in syndication. By the by they are also operating with a $50.3 million deficit. Oh those conservatives, why are they so bad at running anything and racking up debt?
     I had a look at the Sun TV News website, I'm sure conservatives everywhere are already wetting their panties! There is a big banner that says "STRAIGHT TALK", maybe that's their answer to "Fair and Balanced"? Sounds like they took it from John McCain's Straight Talk Express campaign bus, we all remember when the wheels came off that thing! They are also rounding up a who's who of Canadian right-wing pundits to be their newsy personalities:  David Akin, the guy who first spread the rumour on his twitter that Gordon Lightfoot had died, then later retracted and said he heard it from someone else, Charles Adler, who's been on TV since I was a lad and sometimes substitutes for Sean Hannity on FOX News, Ezra Levant, total right wing lunatic who is short and (fake) angry; he was responsible for bringing Ann Coulter to speak at Canadian Universities, Brian Lilley, who has written numerous run-of-the-mill right wing articles for the National Post, and Krista Erickson, I couldn't find out anything about her but she will be perfect in the role of hot chick, the kind FOX News have for straight men to ogle, they are nothing but T&A to lure the testosterone laden.
     Although SunTV will be based in Toronto, they also include a banner that says "with SunTV News the West will be in" I'm not sure what that means? Being based in Toronto and all. I guess they want to get that 60 plus crowd that are still so angry with Trudeau and the NEP out here in Alberta? I think it's a way for Toronto media types to appear to not be elitist to a Calgary type audience, even though they probably are, why not have the station in Calgary then? Please leave "the West" out of this anyway, Calgary has an undercurrent of Liberalism that is surfacing recently - check out the new mayor. I've always found Edmonton to have a strong Liberal leaning. Vancouver? I like to think of it as San Francisco North and as Saskatchewan goes, perhaps kind of a toss up, you can see anti-abortion signs in the country but there is a long history of the NDP too. Who wants to revitalize regional arguments anyway? Where did that get us? I am quite happy to just call myself Canadian thank you very much.
     So there's the model for FOX North, a bunch of angry white guys who are really just shills for the Conservative Party. Sorry Ezra, being Jewish does not exactly qualify as a minority, I think it's called "white minority" in the U.S. Census, as opposed to "non-white minority" check one please. Of course living in Calgary I have had experience meeting actual right wing media types. At first, because they never have gaydar, they think I am on their side, big white guy with a goatee and a scowl (it's just my natural look!), then they find out I'm not on their side and don't buy their tawdry remarks and thinly veiled right wingery. Sure, I have argued some but after a while it's like, what the hell is your problem? Haven't you ever met different people before? I'm not buying into your arguments so please leave me alone, trying to drink and talk to someone else now. I'm not sure where the right wing get their entitlement to anger? Are you not rich enough? Corporations don't have enough power?

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