Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

     My Sunday night was spent catching up on TV on the PVR, by the time we finished watching Bill Maher's show it was nearly 11:30pm. I was off setting the coffee maker and listening to the end of the CTV News where I could hear Sandy Rinaldo hammering out all her vowels in her usual almost unintelligible kind of way, like everything is a really long a or i sound. So I could detect someone was assassinated but couldn't understand who, so I ran to the TV and rewound a little to try and decipher Rinaldo's announcement. OMG! Osama Bin Laden had been killed. I yelled out loud and pumped my arms in the air a couple of times, my first thought was this is so great for Obama!!!! And there are so many more implications, that kept me awake for hours that night!
     I stayed awake for quite a while watching the happy scenes from New York and Pennsylvania Ave in  front of the White House. I couldn't help but think this death provided some sense of closure for Americans and all of us who witnessed 9/11, in person or on TV. It's been just short of a decade and now a symbolic end of sorts. Of course the battle with terrorists will still go on but we can revel in Osama being shot in the eye! It's a little odd to be rejoicing in the death of someone, but, hey, we're all human, who among us is not guilty of feelings of vengeance? I'm no Saint either! Maybe people were this happy when Hitler died too?, I don't know, I'll ask around and get back to you.
     Obama will always be the President who got Bin Laden, I expect a bump in the polls, it will also be his defining moment. In order, of Presidents I remember, defining moments; Carter-Camp David Accords, Reagan-"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!", Bush Sr.-Gulf War and throwing up sushi, Clinton- "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", Bush Jr.- "I hear you, the whole world hears you." and choking on a pretzel, and now Obama-Hope and Change, the guy who killed Osama Bin Laden!
     So, how long before the right-wing shit all over this??? About 40 hours or so actually. I've been hearing internet propagandist Andrew Breitbart is already claiming all the celebrating in New York and the White House by people in the street was "astroturfed" by Democrats. Astroturfing is a term that sort of means set-up or staged. Cripes, people can't even rejoice in the streets without some nut case claiming conspiracy! He is also trying to claim that the killing of Bin Laden is all a hoax. To what end I don't know, if Obama wanted to hoax this why not do it before the Mid-Terms or before the next election? No, I don't believe Breitbart at all, sometimes the world is just an unexpected place, full of surprise, not full of carefully planned out conspiracies! Get real! Now we also have Republicans trying to claim Bush was responsible in some way for setting all this up years ago. I'm sorry, but the CIA apparently knew about this 5 years ago when Bush was saying "Bin Laden doesn't concern me." Let's give credit where credit is due. Bush was busy clearing bush on his Texas ranch most of the time while it is actually Obama who is "hawkish" on terrorists. It's a crazy world but it's true, get used to it!
     Anyway, I nearly blew coffee out my nose this morning watching The View. The ladies were showing a clip from the Jimmy Kimmel show last night, about news anchors screwing up Obama/Osama, saying the first for the later. The worst offender was perhaps Canada's own Carolyn Jarvis of Global National. She said Osama, instead of Obama three times in a row. Joy Behar said, "that red head should be fired!" I kind of agree, at least issue an apology, is it on purpose or are ye just stupid!?!?!?! I'm glad I didn't land on one of the many Breaking News segments and wrongly think Obama had been killed! Get it right people, he will President for at least two more years! After this, maybe four more!!!

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