Monday, May 11, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, Live and Let Die Mothers Day

     Time just keeps rolling along, was laying in bed thinking soon summer will be here then it will be over and the next time I wake up it will be Christmas again! After a week of summer like temps we have been slammed with cold and morning flurries Sunday making for a chilly indoor Mothers Day. We invited my mom over for appetizers and to surprise her with the gift of a new refrigerator being delivered on Tuesday. She always loves coming here and was very happy with the gift. My mom believes that the virus is made in a lab in China to show the world how powerful they are, her source is some newspaper she picked up somewhere and a right wing radio show. Oh boi!
Last year I started keeping track of my grocery bill to see if we fell into the national average and to compare what other people say they spend, turns out we are slightly below or near average but way below what many we know spend, and keep in mind we rarely eat out either, probably 99% of our meals are at home, it's just a hassle and too expensive to go out. I've been hearing that people are spending like crazy on groceries and I am no exception, I spent more than double last month but in my defense I have been stocking up on meat with all the meat plant problems all over North America, now I have zero freezer space!
     A lot of people think Trump will be the "drink bleach" President which is probably true but for me I will also remember the time he visited a mask factory, not wearing a mask and bizarrely the Gun's N' Roses cover Live and Let Die suddenly blaring in the factory, do they always blare music? I don't think so, and with Trumps cool-no reaction to such a bizarre thing occurring we know he was behind this for a news clip. But really stop and think about this, they are saying that is OK if old people die for the economy, it's Satanic! We are finding out that children are dying from an inflammatory syndrome related to the virus, 3 have died in New York recently, I always thought people could deal with the elderly dying but if this gets to kids get ready for a full societal freakout!!!
     We have also found out that a valet (who serves the President food) has the virus, as well an aide to Pence, an aide to the First Lady,  the seemingly Jewish wife of NeoNazi Stephen Miller and also people surrounding the top Dr's Fauci and Dr. Redfield? Renfield (lol, that's a character in Dracula) whatever that guys name is, the one with the Hutterite beard, so many people with covid circling the inner workings of the White House! And will they wear masks? No, Trump thinks it will make him look silly or people will use it against him! Sheesh, you'd think he be more worried about his recent sweaty appearance at the Lincoln monument where his skin looks even more like raw hamburger than ever, eccch so gross! So yeah, live and let die eh? (to use an old Canadianism)
     There are many places planning on opening in the southern states of course but also in Canada too, I think it is foolish and the pandemic will get worse this summer, we will see but I cannot imagine that the virus will stop until it reaches every human on Earth. I was calling it a time out from Nature the same day Michael Moore said the same thing in an interview a few weeks ago! Great minds think alike!
     Disneyland China has reopened but with only 30% capacity and many distancing measures in place on the rides and no contact with the characters (fine with me!) and apparently people are quite happy with the experience. So it would seem the Chinese have just learned something that we already know in the West, that not being surrounded by Chinese people is a very nice thing!!! If you laughed you are so much more racist than me for writing it!!!
     I just don't see how we are going to keep up the distancing measures, everywhere people are clumping together, especially the 20 somethings, even my other neighbours had a birthday party on the weekend, outside, in the chilly weather! I just don't need to yak about nonsense to other people that much I guess!? A lot of elderly people just don't care or understand the science behind it so I don't know how this will continue to go, I think everyone will have had it by the end of the year! I was thinking that in public places the virus must be literally everywhere, it must be impossible to "deep clean" it away, I don't believe you could!

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