Friday, July 24, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, No Signs of Ending

     So, several months into this the virus is rebounding almost everywhere. Of course the US hasn't slowed down once, they are currently up to 4 million, apparently the situation is so dangerous that the RNC has to be cancelled but Trump still wants to open schools, will Americans notice this stupidity? I don't remember if I talked about this earlier but Trump is trying to stop the CDC from collecting data and redirect it to a DC department, America takes one more step towards becoming China or some such "shithole" country, along with using unmarked police to tear gas, arrest and detain people in Portland Oregon, including protesting moms, things are really getting bad in the worlds greatest democracy! On top of all that unemployment benefits are due to run out at the end of the month and Senate Republicans think this is the time to take a vacation! No wonder Biden is up 10 to 15 points in the polls! Let me just add that during this period Trump thought it important to remove the portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. from a public foyer in the White House and replace them with Teddy Roosevelt and William McKinley, WTF? The last guy was assassinated, why bring up a "loser" of history like this? So many weird things going on as Trump spirals into self pity. Ironically Dr. Fauci is becoming a superstar in the media, more popular in spades over Trump, he threw out the first pitch in the covid era Major League Baseball thing, I dont follow sports I guess this is important?. Also of note the baseball players took a knee in support of Black Lives Matter all of this ought to burn Trumps ass!!! I hope it bothers him as much as the giant Black Lives Matter painted on 5th Ave in front of Trump tower NY. Ha ha!
     Meanwhile in Canada cases are ticking up as they are in many places around the world, like Tokyo and Europe, countries that were once doing very well are now seeing more cases. Actually Alberta is taking the lead in Canada right now so lets go ahead with opening schools! Calgary is seeing a three fold increase in cases mostly in the 20-30 something age group. I guess the right wing idiots of this world still think the economy is more important than peoples health, people can't get back to work until their kids get back to school. Many parents complain they cannot handle their kids and are desperate to get them back in school. Really? If you can't stand them then imagine how the rest of us feel!?!?! Geeze!
     As global totals close in on 16 million this thing shows no signs of stopping soon. Just like the god damned hail storms that keep wrecking destruction on my garden we are at the mercy of nature!

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