Monday, July 13, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, Will Stupid Run It's Course???

     In 2019 my favourite and yes, still active, British synth duo The Pet Shop Boys released the song, "Lets Give Stupidity A Chance" a satire of Brexit politics and direct jab at Trump. The lyrics just become more and more poignant as the Pandemic wears on; "Intelligent people have had their say, time for the foolish to show the way." "We've heard quite enough of experts and their dealings, why face the facts when you can feel the feelings?" And this is why a band who formed over 30 years ago is more relevant than any of the kids today who sing about what? Their face tattoos? It seems quite fitting that these lyrics are reflecting reality as Trump is actively trying to derail Dr. Anthony Fauci, now claiming there are two sides to factual science. Really! Yes this is the first time in history that a President has actively tried to and may likely fire Americas leading Dr. on infectious diseases.The Trump administration is actually conducting opposition research on Fauci, I guess because Trump still thinks this is a messaging battle and not a life and death situation? Such is the US right now, Trump has cancelled his New Hampshire rally recently and Disney World is reopening as Florida cases surge into the stratosphere, it is widely reported that if Florida were it's own country it would be 4th among countries right now!
In a stupidly ironic moment a 30 year old American who attended a "Covid Party" (where attendees try to contract the virus and win a pot of money if first) apparently says to a nurse on his death bed " I think I made a mistake, I thought it was a hoax but  it is not" Ahhh the omnipotence of youth! This is the effect of a generation raised without consequences I guess!?
     As cases surge into the tens of thousands daily across the US the Presidents popularity is dropping even falling behind Biden in Texas, Florida and Arizona, all covid hot spots. And still these dummies are now pushing for kids to get back to school! I already saw a protest of parents blocking school buses in Detroit as summer school is set to start (?) I just can't see how people will willingly endanger their kids and families for the sake of this stupid administration, and really, sending out Betsy Devos to say in her Mayor of South Park accent that schools should reopen yet there is no actual plan if the virus starts getting out of control is just more stupid icing on this cake! This ding-a-ling woman who is a rich Republican donor has no business running her estates' landscaping let alone the Department of Education! So much ineptitude by this administration but what did you expect?
     Locally there are too many summer crowds at local lakes and last night I went out to see the Stampede fireworks only to find myself surrounded by crowds! It's all still too dangerous, I tried to duck the crowds as best as I could but I still couldn't believe the mini traffic jam along 8th Ave NE! My neighbours are returning to work soon, at different times but people are getting back to normal, no more bloody outdoor exercise routines! Yay! I still believe there will be 2nd wave by they fall probably worse than the first one (this is what experts say) and unlike the stupid President I listen to experts!

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