Friday, December 18, 2020

Serious Shit, Pandemic Journal

      One week before Christmas, my mothers Birthday, she's 86 today, and a fair amount of things to do which is making me testy! My Dr. thinks now is the time to experiment with blood pressure drugs, yeah, over Christmas time, I am getting really tired of all the Muslim Dr's I have had over the years who seem to have no understanding of Western society, yes we drink, have gay sex, celebrate holidays without fasting, gawd, I'm looking for a new Dr. in the new year! Our friend and best client Orme passed away recently, from many many medical issues, he was one of the richest people in Saskatchewan they say, is having a virtual funeral today! God damn does it have to be today? Id like to do some baking today, who has time for this?

     Anyway, I don't know if it's the new drug I'm trying or the news making me so angry today but lets just cover some of the Trump shit show today.  Apparently there are thousands of doses of the new vaccine just sitting in storage because the Trump administration can't get it together, they have no excuse or reason for this but are "looking into it" says Alex Azar Sec. Health/Human Services. Yeah, BULL SHIT! I think we know that Trump is deliberately trying to fuck up the roll out of the vaccine because he is a petulant asshole man baby who probably has it out for the entire country right now. Another issue is the Russian hack, I mentioned it earlier but it is far worse than thought even a few days ago. Turns out they have been hacking since March into almost all US departments including Energy which is the nuclear bomb agency! We have also learned they have hacked into many US corporations and many more organizations in the West including those in Canada, people are calling this an act of 21st century war. Trump has nothing to say about this, busy with a golf club up his ass I guess? He is also busy blocking Biden from getting Pentagon updates during the transition. If it's not apparent that Trump is a complete traitor who actually hates America then the entire Republican party should all be exiled with him somewhere, Guantanamo Bay? Only Mitt Romney has the balls in his magic Mormon undergarments to say anything! If anyone ever deserved to be led to the guillotine in history it is Vladimir Putin, I hate this son of a bitch so much, I hope he gets everything he deserves when America comes back in the Biden years. I think NATO should take Crimea back, FREE CRIMEA! you deserve it Putin, the only thing that stops these shameless assholes is to neuter them, kick em in the proverbial balls and those balls are Crimea in this situation. Another stupid thing going on in the US is aid for the population during covid. Aid is set to expire at the end of this month, people will be evicted and have no unemployment benefits because this is how they deal with people, well Republicans anyway, they are soooo close to a deal, it's insanity to those of us who live in normal countries! Like Trump I believe all the Trumplicans (Republicans who follow Trump) are guilty of criminal negligence, on the virus, on hacking, on destroying democracy, on all of the stupid shit they did supporting this wanna be despot!

We also see today Pence and his beard, I mean wife, getting the vaccine, really? I can see the VP getting it but why on earth does his fat bitch of a wife need one for? To keep spreading homophobia in her Christian school? Give me a fucking break! How much do you wanna bet vaccines in America will be directed to Congress and the super rich before people who actually need it, especially blacks and latinos? I'd bet the farm if I had one!

How's it going in Alberta? Shiiit all the government dorks are standing around taking credit for the vaccine of course, that Trudeau approved. Yesterday we had a record death toll of 19 in this Province, and it's all due to bad government just like the US, India, Russia and Brazil, consider the similarities.

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