Wednesday, December 30, 2020

No Rest For The Wicked, Pandemic Journal

      While I have been lulled into semi hibernation with Christmas lights, darkness, and more turkey than most people on this planet have access to in a lifetime the news takes no holiday! The madness of King Trump continues it's stupid path into infamy, just as Dems and R's struck a deal to aid the millions of unemployed Trump comes out and says a $600 payment is not enough for the public and he wants $2000, it's nice and great and all but Mr Art of the Deal seems to know nothing about deal making, such as being present while deals are being struck. It came out of left field days after the deal was announced and a government shut down looms with the passing of this bill as well. Many, including me, believe Trump is mad at Mitch McConnell for accepting reality and acknowledging Bidens win, fine by me, go down attacking your own party, that makes sense. In the background of all this the Georgia Senate runoff elections will decide the fate of Senate control for the next 2 years! Win 2 seats and Biden can do as he pleases, lose one and Senate control remains in Republican hands and thus years of more gridlock and stupidity of getting nothing done! So ole Mitch is in a real pickle, will he press the Republican $600 deal or let his Senators vote for Trumps (and Democrat backed ) $2000 deal? And keep in mind the Georgia candidates are for Trumps plan, now throw in Bernie Sanders. Turns out Trump hates the new military budget, because he is on Russia's side? and threatened to veto the bill but the house members have voted enough to override his veto but Sanders is threatening to hold up this vote until the Covid relief bill is passed. I tell you American politics are more drama than a god damned soap opera! But wait there's more! Because the US system is so insane, they have to vote again to formalize the Electoral College in the Senate, it's been a dumb formality up until now as Trump thinks if he can get enough Republican Senators to reject the reality of the election they can overturn the actual vote and leave a vote for President to the Senate which he would win. It would be the end of the worlds oldest democracy and become the beginning of A Handmaids Tale, it's very scary how close the world is to the nuts taking over! There is one Senator who is already on board and maybe more to come. It probably won't happen this time but Trump has laid out a path to end democracy in the future, elect enough crazy people and this could easily happen! On a sad note a newly elected Republican congressman has died of Covid at the age of 41, he had a wife and two small kids, so sad, this should be the biggest story of the day but it's not! And I would like President Piece of Shit to say to his widow and kids that "Covid is a hoax" or "nothing more than the flu" also note that we have recently lost singer Charley Pride from Covid.

     As for the pandemic, on the eve of vaccinations comes a newer stronger more contagious mutation from the UK and of course it's already showed up in Ontario, BC and Alberta because self centered assholes cannot stay home for Christmas. I knew this would happen! As Canada tried to quickly close its borders the new strain was already here, surprise, surprise! As I walk the dog I often see the giant KLM flight right over my head, bringing people from Europe for I don't know what reason!?!?!? Stay the fuck home, Christmas is all BS anyway, there will be time enough to see people again. I find that people never really change and you can pick up where you left off like you've never been apart, don't people know this? I doubt it, people are so stupid these days! So we are up to 1,028 deaths in Alberta and over 15,000 in Canada, the US is over 300,000 so there's that! Kenney is at the bottom in a poll of pandemic handling at 30% approval among the Premiers, too funny! We had my mom over for Christmas, this is allowed according to the Provincial guidelines, and my biggest takeaway from her 86 year old mind is that "Kenney should find a partner, maybe he would be a nicer person" like Kenney being gay is something everyone knows and we're now using the word "partner" for gay relationships! Who knew we would ever get to this place with her???? There may be hope for the world yet!

     As for New Years Eve, tricks on you Covid! Turns out for maybe the last 20 years my New Years consists of watching CNN at home anyway! I don't have friends or go to parties anymore! LOL Most of the time we are lucky to be awake by midnight! The current thinking is that 2021 will automatically be better, as if 2020 was cursed, but the shit show will go on a little longer I'm afraid and the consequences of Christmas are yet to be seen. I'm not too happy with vaccine roll out plans, in Alberta the focus is rightly on essential workers, nurses and such but not EMS which is infuriatingly stupid! The next group is old people in long term care and I'm sorry but WTF!? Please give it to the people who work with them first we don't need to put these old folks ahead of others. I believe people who work in public, of all ages, should be vaccinated, then by risk and age, people who can work from home do not need it right away either. This province is also focusing on inoculating the First Nations first as well, my mom (longtime Kenney supporter) is not pleased with that and neither am I, I thought this place was about the economy? Not humanitarianism? Color me confused!

Well, I just learned that Dawn Wells, MaryAnn from Gilligan's Island died of Covid at age 82, that makes me so sad, we met her once in Calgary, I will tell you about that one day, what a sweet heart she was, I'm not usually sad about celebrities but this one really hits home!!!

See you in 2021!

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