Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Twas the Week Before Christmas, Pandemic Journal

     Its about a week or so before Christmas, the first two weeks of December were in the 10 to 15C range making it one of the longest double digit spells for December, I kept saying to Gord in my best Mr.Hankey voice that "It sure doesn't feel like Christmas around here." December 6th I wore shorts and a T-shirt to walk the dog and later hung out with the neighbours on their front lawn as they were having a socially distant gathering with some people they know, some drivers were really glaring as they passed and the next day Kenney announced new restrictions, guess it was this gathering? The millennials are so funny to me, later my quite drunk neighbour was telling me how much he "needed" the social interaction, geeze, life must be hard for the young!?

     It's quite nuts that a few weeks prior Kenney was shirking new restrictions and then suddenly abouts-face and introduces a bunch of new restrictions which don't really have any teeth, so the impression of restrictions without really doing much. It's stupid but apparently so are most Albertans! Indoor dining is cancelled, gatherings of more than 10 people outside are not allowed and everyone who can is supposed to be working from home, so lets see how that goes! The death rate is escalating wildly, 10 or so everyday, we are now up to 744 and Global News and CTV (CFCN) do their very best to bury these numbers as they fumble thru reading numbers and throwing out confusing visuals of numbers that are different everyday, I can't follow their graphics and numbers how can my octogenarian mom!? Some stupid facts from a stupid population; we need to have 70% or more get a vaccine to attain herd immunity and Alberta has the lowest rate of immunization willing folks at only 66%  and Kenney will change the Health Code to remove mandatory vaccination! It makes me so furious, I just can't believe how stupid and ideological this little prick is, I guess it shouldn't surprise me? And then they go around saying that everyone else is being ideological, it's so Trumpian! Fuck! I just want to say that getting over Covid is linked to the economy stupid!!!! How are we going to recover with these idiots at the helm? And if Albertans are going to act like stupid Americans then fuck you all too! I tell you one day I will leave this stupid place!

     What's going on in the last episodes of the Trump show? This week AG Bill Barr is either fired or resigning, some people calling his letter a hostage statement, and just what is Trump up to? Probably trying to enshrine an investigation into Hunter Biden that the incoming AG will not be able to stop. We have seen this before from nutcase Republicans with Benghazi, stupid nonsense that was a waste of time and money and this Hunter Biden thing will be the same. Trump thinks he will get revenge, whatever turd, fuck the fuck off! I firmly believe Trump may not be with us in 4 years, he strikes me as the kind of guy who would die on Christmas day! You know Trump famously does not eat most of the day going over 14 hours and then likes to chow down on two Big Macs and a Fillet-o-Fish with small chocolate shake eaten within 5 minutes! Ever see Jordan Klepper try to eat this and do his monolouge within 5 minutes? It's inhuman! Big news yesterday is that Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell congratulated Biden and Harris after the electoral college did their job and voted but unfortunate for the little turtle man is that Vladimir Putin beat him to the punch that day, what a fucked up world! There was much drama and stupid nonsense with Republicans threatening violence and trying to crash the electoral college voting places, some were moved to secret locations. It just looks like a nuts shit show and embarrassment for the "world's leading democracy", these dwindling days of Trump cannot go fast enough! This week also saw a Russian hack of several US departments including Treasury and the Pentagon, I guess under Trump they better do what they can before normalcy comes back! The Russians make me so mad, I would be totally for NATO taking back Crimea, FREE CRIMEA!!!! and or some real consequences, getting kicked out of whatever international bodies they belong to, seize foreign assets, outlawing their currency! Fuck you Putin America is coming back! The best way to sum up this time period is by listening to former McCain campaign head Steve Schmidt "there is now one pro-democracy party in America and one that is for dictatorship" it's true I don't know what the hell Republicans are still thinking getting behind this personality cult that is Trump but they will find themselves on the wrong side of history soon! Lesser countries would have traitors shot at dawn! In a moment of "holy shit the monster is destroying the lab now" we find out that Jared and Ivanka have bought a 300 million$ property in Florida and she may be planning a Senate run in 22 against guess who......? Marco Rubio! LOL she is going to primary him and I just wonder how the Republican powers that be think about this??? How far will they let these Trump people go? I don't even believe the Trumps will survive legally for very long and may find themselves living in Saudi Arabia soon! We'll see!

     Since the first of the vaccines are rolling out we are being treated to multiple first vaccines footage, so boring you will be reaching for that remote control faster than a greased goose in a hen house! First in the Western world was old people in the UK, save the old! Turned out that Canada got the vaccine the same day as the US so much more footage of all that, over here we are vaccinating nurses/essential workers and old people later. So I guess all that hot air in Parliament from Conservatives was just that? Yeah, thought so. I don't know, I kinda wish the pandemic would linger a little longer, I don't think anyone has learned their lesson, especially Americans. I don't really support giving most Americans the vaccine at all, maybe we would all be better off ? Less racist idiots, Trump cultists, gun loving, bible thumping, loud mouthed dickheads, sounds good to me, besides they never learn their lessons, be it the crash of 08, 9/11, Vietnam, all of it, they just get terrible consequences and then get right back to it a few years later. I'm going to miss the lockdown, it makes no difference to my life, I am an artist and longtime loner I don't need to be running around like a god damned teenager all my life! I already have a small social circle and hate leaving my house for fun. If we just go back to everything we were doing before then we haven't learned anything and are doomed to repeat it. There will be Pandemics in the future if we don't change our ways.

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