Monday, November 30, 2020

Surge Upon Surge, Pandemic Journal

      The pandemic gets worse every day, Dr. Fauci in the US is warning of a surge upon a surge after this Thanksgiving that saw millions flying and driving home, myself I would love an excuse like this to avoid a family gathering but people are so goofy these days! Alberta continues to see huge increases in cases, mostly due to bad governing. So, in the middle of a pandemic and with vaccines on the horizon Kenney says that he will change the health code so there will no longer be mandatory vaccination! It's another pull your hair out scream into a pillow situation once again with this little shit. Kenney also made some racially charged comments about the SE Asian community saying that they have too many big family gatherings, guess he never saw the Waltons??? Everyone should know now that Kenney is just a mini Trump, with an emphasis on mini, I'm so mean, sorry. And what was the fallout of those secret recordings? Nothing. Our media does not care, Global News chose to focus on the who of the secret recordings and not the content of those recordings, CTV a little less biased but in both cases this story disappeared where in most cases we have to see the same reports 2 or three times more. I swear I saw a story about the ferret society of Alberta 4 times in a week when I moved back here 20 years ago and this is the way it is with most stories in the media, thank goodness for PVR's! The axing of mandatory vaccines is what really gets me mad, the irony of this little prick hiding behind Pierre Trudeau's Charter of Rights and Freedoms is nauseating as well his (and many on the right) claims to personal liberty and freedom. Well my dears you should remember what country we live in! Canada does not have a Bill of Rights as many dip shits out there seem to believe, yes we have all the liberties of normal democracies but our Charter is more focused on minority rights, aboriginals rights, the rights of groups of people rather than US style individual rights, it's not our focus, never has been. I have had arguments with online Americans who think Canada is not actually free because we aren't allowed to spread hate, I just say what the fuck is wrong with you people?, if you need to spread hate or incite violence to minority groups then I am glad and proud we do not allow this in Canada and consider it a crime not a personal liberty issue! Sheesh! Same with vaccines, you do not get to decide, you are probably not a virologist or even have grade 12 biology, so why do these people think they know better? We need to have herd immunity because there are people like babies or on chemo who cannot have vaccines. This is how we stopped so many diseases before, but most people weren't around for polio, rubella, small pox. What is most concerning to me is all the anti-maskers in this city, it looks like hundreds as they protest outside City Hall this weekend, among the largest protests we have ever seen in Calgary! I used to think we weren't so stupid in this city but now I have to wonder if the person next to me is some anti science nut. So we've got that happening and we also have a bunch of kids out of school now. We recently saw footage of throngs of teens crowding Chinook Centre, mobs of black kids getting into fights (just an observation) wearing masks but really you know these little fuckers are just there to hang out they have no actual business there and should be all kicked out. It is fine to go out with a mask, get what you need and go home, we are not at a place where we should be indoors with literally hundreds of breathing humans, this is why we have such high cases. Kenney did not want to shutdown before Black Friday and security cannot kick out all these black teens because it will become a Black Lives Matter shit show so here we are. Albertans gots ta shop!

     American news is pretty boring these days, Trump remains largely silent, Biden releases different staffing picks, lots of women, black women, women of colour. A mysterious assassination of Iran's top nuclear scientist smack of the dirty work of Israel and Trump, Iran is vowing revenge and I hope it is the Trump family in their sights, don't hurt innocent Israelis' or anyone else. All pundits eyes are on the 2 runoff elections in Georgia, right now it seems contradictory for Republicans to say vote for us the system is rigged! Why would people vote in a rigged election? It's weird and difficult messaging for an election. I guess the overall issues are that trump is trying to make the world a total shit show for when Biden takes over, it's disgusting, undemocratic, evil and just plain shitty, no President has ever behaved like this before and I hope they throw the book at this asshole when his term is up!

     Vaccines are just around the corner and the big issue in Canada is when will we get them!? We do not manufacture them so are not first in line and 3-2-1 queue Conservative outrage, because this situation would be different if they were in charge???? Give me a fucking break (something I seem to be saying on a regular basis these days)! I think it's disgusting that the Americans get the vaccine first, a country that recently pulled out of the WHO and would like to pull out of every worldwide organization too, also a country that did not contribute one god damned dime to the world wide effort for a vaccine! I think we should either vote on who gets vaccines first and or hold a lottery! If Canada is on the B list where are the poor countries? What list is sub-Saharan Africa on for example? The billions who live in poverty in this world? They can just hold out because American idiots need to resume going to Paris, going to the beach, going to the mall, watching shitty superhero movies in theatres? Geeze, was the before-world any better? No wonder nature tried to kill us!

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