Thursday, November 19, 2020

Suckers And Losers, A Pandemic Journal

      2 weeks after the US election finds many of us infuriated, Trump refuses to step down, covid is raging, Biden seems tepid, we want him to take some action, waiting 70 days or whatever the fuck it is for the inauguration is torture! Trump is trying every means possible to steal this election, fortunately his dip shit legal team lead by Giuliani is achieving nothing and is apparently today so "bonkers and bananas" that the networks won't air his presser, their words not mine. The theory that Trump is doing this to raise money for his 2024 Presidential bid makes a lot of sense or at least raise money for his very expensive habits in general. Before the election we learned Trump called service members "suckers and losers", he has no concept of  non transactional relationships or motives and also asked why would people serve their country? why would America help allies? even "who were the good guys in WWII" all credibly sourced and even reported on FOX news at the time. I'm afraid this is what he thinks of everyone who is probably not his immediate family. We know that Trump sent out no less than 200 fundraising emails during the last 2 weeks of this not giving up which makes all of his supporters suckers and losers, if Republican voters weren't such dotards they might read the fine print that only a small portion of their donation would actually go toward any 2024 campaign, like 5% and I'm sure Trump would find a way to take that portion too! Every single person going along with this asshole is a sucker and loser, covid is reaching such overwhelming dimensions that even 87 year old Republican Senator Chuck Grassley came down with a case stalling any further passing of conservative judges, it's all the Senate is doing in this period. I hope a bunch of them die, clear the place out, most of these old coots have no business in government anymore, retire, have a nice life, sheesh! I just read a part of my last post where I was hopeful republican whoever from Oklahoma would press for transition, it was a lie, it was rescinded later that day, see a Republicans' word is shit and should be trusted by no one ever. I guess I was a sucker and loser for believing this fucker for one second!? Beside covid running so rampant it is killing 1,000 Americans a day Trump is also pulling troops from Afghanistan effective 5 days before inauguration, even old Mitch McConnell is against it, it will embolden the Taliban endanger whatever allies are left there (an internet search comes up with nothing on what actual troops from what countries are still there but I will guess Australians as they have always sucked that American cock) and cause chaos which I'm sure is his main goal. It's just infuriating to comprehend the damage this one angry rich asshole can wreak on world order right now.

     Today we are learning that Trump is personally calling electoral college members and holding a White House meeting with Michigan electors in a bid to sway electoral college voters, it's just so slimey and beyond the pale for a normal democratic country to behave this way! How can we ever trust Americans ever again? But wouldn't China and Russia love that? Gawd this is infuriating!!!!

     We have been learning about so many weird and small administrative positions that hold a lot of power yet in normal times are never heard from, one such position is the GSA the Government Service Agency. The GSA is a administrative job and their job is to sign the transition papers so the incoming government can have access to money and space to transition. Right now the GSA is held by some Trump appointee, an obese middle aged woman who looks like any Cathy from any office anywhere, someone who handles your car insurance and watches Police dramas and Lifetime Christmas movies in her off times. I was really mad at this character for a while as she cited the 2000 election as some kind of precedent but now I feel it unfair for such a dupe to take heat for the asshole in chief and all the other Republicans who refuse to concede. One of them is the HHS Secretary, hiding behind this woman and the small technicality of signing the transition papers, he could meet with the Biden team on covid related matters if he wanted to but they don't, they don't care if Americans die which makes all of you suckers and losers for letting this bull shit go one one more minute! People are getting angry all over the media which must echo the populace I just wonder if something is going to snap soon? I am furious and I don't even live there what is it like for actual Americans?

    So all of this pissing and moaning about the election being stolen by Trump is really having an effect on Republican voters now over half of them believe the election was stolen so it works because Trump knows there is one born every minute.

     I know that Americans love Thanksgiving the most, more than Christmas and the 4th of July and I believe most of them will ignore reality and science and spread and get covid more than any other time of year, the real kicker will come as the death rate follows usually 3 to 4 weeks later which should be right around Christmas! Will they learn then? probably not. No one is even talking about Black Friday yet, obviously this stupid tradition should not even be entertained as an idea right now but lets see how smart Americans are, I'm willing to take bets right now! lol

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