Monday, November 23, 2020

We're Number One!!! A Pandemic Journal

      Well we did it Alberta, we have the highest cases in the country!!!!!!! Over the past 4 days we have had 5,180 cases, each day beating a new record! 1105 Thursday, 1155 Friday, 1336 Saturday and 1584 Sunday beating Ontario and Quebec who have 3.5 times the population. How did we get here? Bad government, just like all the jurisdictions led by despotic idiots in the US, Russia and Brazil, it's a theme we find emerging again and again. We are the only Province to not have mandatory mask measures as the Kenney government is scared the rural people will hate him for it. Calgary and Edmonton and some of the other cities put in mask mandates and by-laws back in the summer but this is apparently not working. I believe Kenney is such a Republican follower that he is likely imitating their route with the virus and we have seen how their approach is working terribly in the upper midwest for example. Kenney has been missing in action for quite a few weeks and was roundly criticized this weekend for being the only Premier to not make an appearance or public statement, instead hiding behind the milquetoast Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's top official on the virus. Do I trust these health spokespeople? On the science yes but on the politics no, can these dry medical people resist the political shenanigan's of Conservative politicians, I doubt it. There should probably be a new lockdown but it's not up to Hinshaw to call that. We need to shut down or the death rate at Christmas is going to be nuts! I wish we were having an election but that is 2 years away, who knows what will be the hot issue by then. My neighbours are all back to working from home now because god knows we need to preserve our lawyers and geologists! I was thinking schools should be shut down soon but more importantly they should be delayed after the holidays and everyone should get tested before returning and this seems like more of a plan than we heard from our Provincial government! Well, it's your reputation Kenney.

     The US continues down a deadly path, President not resigning and Thanksgiving week starting. Today we are seeing the footage of college kids flying home, 3 million flights today! Americans are generally bad enough at thinking about the public good now lets add 20 somethings to this equation and see how that goes, they say things like "this year has been so bad this is the only thing I have to look forward to" or "I want to go home and hug my parents" yes, so does the virus my dears!!!!! Such idiocy, the death rate will be hitting this Christmas, will they learn then? Probably not. All of the misinformation about the election is starting to hit, a couple of weeks ago 70% of Republicans thought Biden won this fair and square now 70% of them think it has been stolen! Even people around the world are starting to think this election was stolen or unfair no doubt spread by god damned Russians, gawd! I had to watch the Rudy Giuliani press conference held at the RNC office because we started hearing how incredibly nuts it was and it was! This legal team purported that voting machines were made in Venezuela and rigged by Hugo Chavez himself (who died in 2013) and that millions of votes for Trump were switched to Biden and then the spray on hair dye started running down both cheeks of Giuliani in a total shit show of insanity and still Republicans will not drop this shit! I would like to know where in the Constitution it says that the Majority Leader of the Senate gets to decide when transition begins? America looks like a bananas Republic right now.  I did make the connection that we have reached almost all fictional parallels of the movie Contagion now with the President disappearing. I remember writing earlier in this journal that we should be so lucky to have the President disappear and it has finally happened, he tweets nonsense every day but is golfing all the time and not making any public statements. I think twitter should close his account and if he has something to say come to a podium and say it, what a fucking little bitch coward! Such a giant fucking baby! All this as covid in the US also breaks records everyday, will these knuckleheads ever learn??? The best news I heard recently is that all this election tampering by the President and individual electors and even the nuts bitch at the GSA could be breaking federal laws by interfering in the vote, turns out all this stuff is against many federal statutes and they could all be charged with several offences!

It's all nuts all the time, I have occasional bursts of anger because people are just so stupid all the time and democracy is having it's reputation smeared by Trump assholes but all things shall pass right!?!?!?

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