Tuesday, January 5, 2021

We're All In This Together, Pandemic Journal

      My mom always says to make a wish on your first mincemeat tart of the season, an ole English tradition I expect! I'm not going to say what that wish was but Sunday night is when all hell broke loose on the Kenney government. We are rarely treated to political outrage in this Province but I wonder if times and demographics change? Turns out 6 Kenney cabinet ministers have been caught taking holidays, mostly in Hawaii, but some other sun spots too, the hypocrisy is stunning and is making the hashtag "Kenney resign" trend on Twitter. It's just all too delicious, we haven't seen outrage like this since the old Allison Redford days. Just remember that our provincial guidelines called for people to only spend Christmas with our household members, no college kids or grandkids, no grandparents over, no socializing even outdoors, who knew these self-involved total assholes would be jetting off to holidays in the sun? Sheesh, we aren't even having a harsh winter, who needs to go anywhere, to be with Americans? No thank you! The outrage in the media is heartening, people have set up Christmas trees with Hawaiian leis outside MLA offices saying "Aloha, it means hello and goodbye", people are so creative these days! I even saw one old guy say he is not voting UCP again! To top it all off, like a scene out of Arrested Development or Veep, we saw on both local news a story of a boy with rare terminal disease who missed his trip to Hawaii thru Make A Wish Foundation to see the Ocean because of the pandemic, I mean you can't make this stuff up! Even my mom, who I think wishes Kenney was her son instead of me, is wavering on supporting again! But, for all the stink this is causing only one MLA is resigning, the rest have only been demoted and keep their $120,000 annual salary. The outrage doesn't stop there either, some Federal MP's are also in trouble, a few Liberals, a NDP who went to visit a sick mom which I don't have a problem with, and quite a few Conservatives. The public hate being told to suck it up while our government takes holidays in the sun apparently. To bring this closer to home, Gord's sister is planning on going to Florida this week, we all think not much of this move including his mom who think's this is "disgusting" and she is right. This travelling government scandal has me thinking that anyone who travels should be shunned. Why aren't you supporting business in your own city and country? I think these people should step aside for vaccines and pay their own hospital stay if they get sick, if you can't stay in Canada then quit using all  our public health care! I have little respect for these people. I sent a text about the Alberta situation/outrage, it's actually a dig at the sister, who used to be an Ontario public health official who should know better! So selfish.

     As for US politics, today is voting day in Georgia, it will determine the Senate control for Bidens term so we want a good outcome! Tomorrow the Senate votes to formalize the Electoral College vote, it is procedural but 13 Senators say they will vote against it and muck up the process for several hours. It's absolutely stupid as there is no mechanism to overturn the Electoral College, it's just more attention seeking from Trump and a vote for ending democracy and instilling a dictator instead of following the will of the people, and we will have you on record forever. Do as you will idiots! In recent days a Trump call to the Georgia Attorney General has been released where he threatens and insists the AG "find 11,280 votes", it's basically what he was impeached for and what Adam Schiff warned us of, basically that Trump will try it again and here we are! The Trump days are winding down fast, and soon they will be history, geeze this month is flying by already. Tomorrow Trump is trying to start a riot in D.C., telling his supporters to flood DC and not bring guns. Like most Trump ideas I'm sure this will not be as big a deal as he hopes. We just had a letter signed by all 10 living former Defense Secretaries including Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and even Trump appointees Mattis and Esper warning Trump to not involve the military in any election shenanigans citing dangerous and unconstitutional territory treading, don't worry Trump won't read or respect this!

Anyway, this is taking too long, the weather is beautiful, who needs a holiday? And I need to get back into a routine. I am feeling positive about this year, Trump will be out, Kenney is on the ropes and winter is one quarter done! Mazel tov!

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