Monday, January 18, 2021

The Social Dilemma

      This weekend I watched the documentary The Social Dilemma, it should be watched by everyone right now! Available on Netflix, this is a compilation of todays architects of Social Media and it explains everything wrong with the world right now! Basically these people tell us exactly how they designed social media to be, addictive, money making, self feeding loop machine that is destroying our minds and society. All of the platforms like facebook, instagram, youtube, twitter are all designed to keep you engaged and we see this illustrated in the documentary with a fictional family much like yours. In the fictional family the son bets that he can stay off his phone for one week, but he can't, much like 99% of all of us, we eventually see how he gets lulled into attending a rally and getting arrested, sound familiar right now??? We sorta know how things like facebook and twitter are designed to give us positive feedback, but this show really illustrates how this is designed for the corporation not you dummy! The only industries who call their customers "users" are drug dealers and social media, let that sink in! If someone has watched a conspiracy video on youtube they will suggest more videos for you, and since everything is so linked up more and more gets suggested to you thru all the medias and suddenly you are inundated by garbage and living in your own bubble believing the Earth is flat, vaccines will cause autism, airplane contrails are poison or Trump won the election. We have not really experienced anything like this in history and it is dangerous. The experts in this documentary think it could take 20 years to bring down society and it is the only thing I disagree with them on as I believe it is already happening and could take from anywhere between 20 minutes and 20 weeks right now! Most of these people are successful optimists afterall, give me a break! You need to think the worst first my dears! The Social Dilemma just clears up so much with what is going on in the world right now and was made before the Capital riots, watching it now you can see where this led to just a couple of weeks ago. This morning on CNN Kate Bolduain who really could be as stupid as she looks was pondering why the Capital riots could happen, are these people deficient, gullible, easily led? No they are just like you and me, they are everyone, they cannot resist the human wiring that social media is tinkering with and we are probably all variably susceptible to. There has always been shithead troublemakers like neonazis jumping on board any movement they could in history, we saw the idiot motorcycle gangs at Altamont in the 1960's and neonazis in the Punk Rock era, they will insert themselves where ever they can so of course jump on this QAnon train too! This show also explains how Russia did not "hack" the 2016 election but merely used what was already there, it is true, the first time they really did try hard to infect social media but now do they even have to do anything? It is all just so dangerous to democracy everywhere and this is what China and Russia want. I think it is the greatest threat to democracy since WWII and what are we doing about it?

     Does it seem like you are hearing about a lot of youth suicides these days? You are right, I was just listening to congressman Jamie Raskin who buried his 25 year old son right before the Capital riots, suicide, we recently learned a beloved news anchor in Calgary also lost 20 his something son to suicide, and there have been many more. The Social Dilemma illustrates for us clearly that rates of suicide are increasing at an insane rate since 2010 the inception of smart phones, the stats are something like 78% for teen girls and 168% for preteen girls. They use an example of a preteen girl in the movie that really works, posting duck face photos, getting a lot of likes except one friend says something about her ears, so now she is obsessed about that. I can only imagine how true this could be especially for preteens. It's all just so terrible for establishing normal coping mechanisms in youth. A very poignant part of the movie is when all the inventors of social media say they wouldn't allow their kids on it at all, saying maybe when they are 16 or 17 they would allow it! I just don't know what more people need to hear. We have heard many times before how social media is the same as alcohol and drugs, it affects the brain in the very same way, it's just so dangerous for children, we do not say hey hard time in Junior High, here have a drink! That would be ridiculous but many people do the very same with all this media, it is not harmless!

     So, I don't know what more needs to happen in the world, I thought the Capital riots should be a major fucking clue for the world, if not the election of god damned Trump in the first fucking place!?!? Now there is a woman elected to Congress who is a QAnon nut, where will this lead democracy ? I can only imagine students learning about this era, the US Capital was stormed because people truly believed that Trump won the election even though there was no evidence of this. People were brainwashed by Social Media so much they could not and would not believe logic. If we are on this track, that we cannot share and understand concrete facts then we are done as a society, democracy is over, capitalism is over and welcome the new Dark Ages I guess. Get off facebook, watch more TV, talk to a friend on a phone, what? imagine using a phone as a phone?

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