Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Insurrection Live!

      Wednesday January 6th 2021 started off on a happy note, the Georgia Senate runoff elections were set to be finalized and both seats went Democrat giving Biden a majority and full leeway with his first 2 years at least, the Senate was set to formalize the Electoral College vote with some shenanigans from stupid Republicans who said they would challenge the count. Now, challenging the count is like challenging the announcing of the Academy Award winners, it makes no sense and the announcer has no say in it, in this case Mike Pence. We also knew that Trump sent out a message to his supporters to riot at the Capital. By around noon Eastern time Mitch McConnell said the right things and urged his Republicans to fall into line, likewise VP Pence also said the right thing and was roundly condemned by Trump on twitter of course, the formal process was trudging along boringly until Arizona with the help of Ted Cruise for some reason putting a wrench in the process and causing the Senate to recess. Apparently before I was up Trump made a speech to the thousands of domestic terrorists on his side, they then marched to the Capital building where Congress and Senate meet. Around this time, before noon my time, protestors had breeched the Capital steps and had made it to the balcony right outside the Senate chamber itself. The secret service rushed Pence out on live TV and soon the CSpan cameras went out. I began texting Gord at work, not something I do normally, this is only saved for breaking news of historic proportion, they went like this 12;32 "Protestors breach Capital steps, Pence evacuated, Senate floor in a tizzy 12;34 Huffpo says some protestors outside Senate chamber, 12;44Now watching Trump dipshits wandering statuary hall with flagpoles, So insane!, 12;47 Only a few police, where is the national guard? 12;54 Senate being evacuated Trump backtracking lame shit about respecting capitol police, 12;58 Now senators are clutching gas masks but not everyone has one, staff etc. 1;06 Senate doors are barricaded, senate police have guns drawn, members are huddled and praying, 3;14 Finally they are tear gassing these fuckers as they mass on inauguration balcony, the Virginia national guard is on their way apparently. I had to download a live news app to keep listening as I walked the dog today, I didn't want to miss a thing, it is history, apparently nothing like this has happened since the war of 1812! It wasn't until the afternoon that we got images of trump idiots smashing windows inside the capital, sitting in Nancy Pelosi's office, feet up on desk, leaving a message on a manila folder " We will never give up" footage of these white goons chasing a lone black capital police officer up the stairs into the inner chambers, dipshits taking the Senate dais shouting "Trump won" and hanging off the Senate chamber cornice 7 feet off the ground. And where are the police, there were a few standing around but not very many. Many were saying if this were black or Muslim protestors there would be a very different reaction. We had protestors gassed in Portland and gassed outside the White House under Trumps command and for these actual violent dickheads they get nothing!!!!!!!!! It is so infuriating! There was a little gas and flash bombs to get people off the inauguration steps, where Biden will be sworn in in 2 weeks. Many of us hope that the vote to formalize will still go on tonite, it has to, it has to be a message to these terrorists that they will not succeed! It's so nuts even my mom called around 4pm to ask if I had seen the news, I went on a swearing tirade, I wonder if she understands my passion? I doubt it, she is confused and not on the right side of government employees taking trips to Hawaii of course, old conservative brains have no moral compass, this is how they have maintained power especially in Alberta. I think Trump must be impeached ASAP, tonite would be good, sear in the two new senators and it is done! I fear trump will pardon these terrorists and this must be stopped. Did ya know being impeached bars one from running for any public office in the future, boy that would throw a wrench into his 2022 election grift! Oh, before I forget, Ivanka tweeted her support to the "American patriots" earlier that day and then mysteriously deleted it, we should never forget!!! I wish people would storm the White House as I believe that would garner a bigger response than what we have seen today, I'll bet the tear gas would be flying in minutes! People could also storm Trump hotels and properties, burn them down! These are my own violent fantasies, only a reaction, not a reality. As of now, 5pm Pence is consulting congress to restart this electoral count. Many are saying the Trump backers like Ted Cruise should step down and they should, they are a big part of the stupid nonsense! I tell ya, there is going to be a huge reckoning in the aftermath, just like 9/11, they were caught with a sub par reaction. I maintain to this day that the only conspiracy on 9/11 was covering up the slow and stupid reaction, made worse by never believing something like this would ever happen. There needs to be a commission report by congress in the future, questions about today are where is DHS (Homeland Security) acting AG?,Defense secretary? all MIA. The most infuriating thing is watching all these dipshits milling around as a curfew has been called for about an hour ago! No one is being arrested, just police standing around like stupid assholes, if this were black folks they would have been all violently arrested and dispersed! America is a disgrace!

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