Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, From Bad To Worse!

     I guess it's Wednesday today, it's hard to keep track sometimes. Finally some warm weather allowed me to get out and get some spring maintenance done in the garden. I am starting 3 more trays of plants as I just don't know what will be available for sale this year? Now I see it as a challenge, the Covid Garden, all home grown! My neighbours are trying to plant grass seed, I told them it is way too early and won't likely grow but I forgot they are also trying to sell their house, so weird to me! They can move into a condo they own but who would want to be in a small apartment during isolation? Not me, I think they are nuts, in so many ways!, and they should just axe this plan, and besides the last few people to view the house just look like uptight millennial rich idiots, there goes the neighbourhood!
     Right after Gord and I agreed they should bring back 1970's variety shows they brought back a form of variety show, musical acts! Saturday had the One World event, broadcast on all the networks and live streaming on all the platforms a variety of musical acts performing from home. So many famous faces like Lady Gaga, who organized this, to Paul McCartney, The Stones, Elton John, Celine, and many more! It was not a fundraiser per se but a call to support local organizations and a big boost to the WHO, it was basically a Fuck You to Trump, too funny! We saw lots of footage of nurses and Dr's and other feelgoodery, one thing we notice these days is all the pictures of health care workers with literally raw noses from the facemasks, it's the new mark of the beast I guess! Apparently we get a Canadian version of this concert series this weekend, they really are good, it seems so real and heartfelt to see the stars in their home studios. Last night we watched the Grammy Tribute to Prince, pretty good, I thought it could go either way but it was fun, I think it was put together by Sheilia E. as she was in every single number! And good for her! I would not have this amount of energy even 20 years ago and she is older than me! One act that got me real good was the Bangles lead with the Coldplay guy singing Manic Monday, it made me tear up as now it seems like a relic of the past when weekends and workweeks meant something, right now there are no Manic Mondays as we don't have workdays anymore! Awww, remember when we had Mondays to hate!?
     Of course the news gets stupider everyday! It's unwatchable, yesterday I was just sitting here on the computer in silence, Gord didn't know where I was, too funny! In Canada the worst mass shooting in our history happened on Sunday in Nova Scotia, I can't tell you anything about it as all I hear are emotional impact stories and little facts of events, it looks like police bungling. Apparently the local mounties thought they would release info on Twitter not Amber Alert, while a gunman is on the loose! Lets see they have 90,000 Twitter followers in NS a Province of 900,000! No wonder we don't know what happened I'm not sure the cops know either!
The US just gets stupider of course, the southern states are trying to open things up and I think it is foolish as hell! I wonder if they think all the black people will get it? We are learning that minorites especially the black community are getting covid at a much higher rate probably because of their service jobs. It's so maddening and now I am running into these people on Facebook all the time, pushing their garbage, following Trump right into history! Yep your white privilege and status will not protect you from the virus dummies!
More meat packing covid infections, both in Canada and the states, now it is a chicken plant in BC but also a bigger outbreak in the US that could affect meat supplies. This is why if we open things up it may cause bigger problems we are not thinking of such as we won't have anyone to work for us, pick our vegetables, fix our cars, be cashiers etc. My mom said on the phone "well they have so many foreigners working in those places", she also will not accept that the Calgary Health Zone is not the entirety of Southern Alberta, she thinks the high rate of covid in Calgary means the entire south of the province! Yes, it has always been like this! Why let simple facts get in the way!? And how are those local numbers? Well we have 71% of the cases in Alberta right now! Calgary 2,204, Alberta 3,095, Canada 38,413, the US +829,000 and worldwide +2.6 million. I would still like to know why the numbers in Calgary are so high!?!?

I wore a dust mask to the grocery store recently and I hated it, it causes your glasses to fog up and makes your face really hot and sweaty! I was barely cut out to study sculpture and I am definitely not cut out to be a nurse! Face protection is a pain in the ass!

The price of oil dropped to negative territory on the markets this week, my neighbours were in a panic thinking they will lose their jobs, I told them to have a back up career many years ago. I think it went to -17$ which means companies are losing millions, oh well maybe all the maritimers who moved here will move back!? Gas remains at 59.9 cents/l, what will happen to the budget of Alberta? Why do we still need Kenney as Premier? Why should I cry a river for oil companies?

7 covid cases in Wisconsin linked to the forced in person vote, told ya so! Apparently Republicans thought Democrat voters would be suppressed because they are smart and believe science and would want to stay away and thought Republicans would get out and vote! Turned out Republicans lost by 20% points, the hate for Trump is stronger than the fear of covid! Fair warning!

Also turns out that the masks Alberta received are really shoddy and do not form to the face allowing for many gaps. So the ones we sent to Ontario and BC were the good ones? I think it's scandalous but our media is a piece of shit locally so don't expect to hear anything about it again!

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