Monday, April 6, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, Just Another Manic Sunday

     While Saturday was surprisingly sunny and clear Sunday was back to cold and gloom, it was only -1 or so but felt -20. I spent the majority of the day on the couch hugging Bella, Gord says we are acting like it's -20 and I say isn't it? The world seems to be relaxing it's sphincter a little, went for groceries on Saturday and found the store not very busy and also had toilet paper! They are limiting customers to one package only! The park was a little more normal as well, people still want to touch Bellas Frisbee and I was tempted to yell but didn't, it's just exhausting now.
     I still wonder why it seems Calgary cases are escalating like crazy compared to the rest of the Province but we all seem to be increasing at the same rate, Calgary still double the rest of the Province today 1250 in Alberta, 774 in Calgary, there is a hot spot at one of the elderly care centres in the SW like what we have seen in Seattle and in Bobcageon Ontario, everyone remembers the Tragically Hip song with the name in it now!
     Two of the cruise ships with Canadians on board have been allowed to dock off Florida, but not allowed off yet, the government will have to charter an airplane as they have done for other stranded tourists, one of these boats came from Chile as they were refused entry to every country along the way. Why are there so many cruise ships? It's just an awful industry, environmental terrorists if you ask me! I hope this industry dies out after this mess!
     The ex Mayor of Gander Newfoundland has made a public statement that he is disappointed in Trumps attempt to stop shipments of medical masks to Canada. He was mayor during the 9/11 crisis when the small town of Gander sheltered over 6000 stranded air travelers which is the basis for the Broadway musical Come From Away. It's true, Canadians are very nice and accommodating but remember that we invented Hockey and have very long memories for those who have dissed us! If I ever hear another Canadian defend the asshole Trump again they may get a punch in the face! he would rather see us all dead, then who would buy all that American milk he wants to dump in our country? Such a dolt, is that how business works? And while we're on the topic of Newfoundland during 9/11 let me just state for the record and forever on the internet a most evil acquaintance of ours, Gillian Scott, a Scottish immigrant and neo conservative who when she found out I was no Bush supporter decided to derail and deride me at every turn, she also idolized Donald Rumsfeld, yeesh! I remember when I brought up the Gander events she said "so what? so we landed a few planes" it was disgusting and I think she should have her Canadian citizenship revoked but I will let the popularity of Come From Away stand on it's own and will be looking down on her and Rumsfeld one day as they enjoy the 7th layer of Hell! I will never forget you loser!
     Speaking of losers, Trump continues to push this malaria chloroquine drug, actually interrupting Dr. Fauci so he couldn't speak against this nonsense in a press event. It has not been proven in any scientific basis and has killed one man so far when he tried to drink aquarium cleaner chloroquine phosphate, oh well, why don't all the Trump idiots go drink it and save us all from their stupidity!?
I also learned from the View today that the Surgeon General was a Trump ass kisser recently tweeting garbage like "Roses are red, violets are blue, this corona virus is no more dangerous than flu." I did not know this! It is disgusting as he is now saying this will be Americas Pearl Harbor, geeze! These Trump people will certainly go down in history with the likes of Rumsfeld and likely wind up in the same place! I know, I'm an atheist who likes the idea of Hell when convenient!
     I still worry that Trump will declare a National Emergency and convince enough idiots that an election cannot be held this year but then there is an equal chance he could die from this too, we can only hope! the PM of the UK Boris Johnson is in hospital right now, not doing well. Also on Sunday we were treated to a rare Royal Speech from the Queen, it sounded like a war time rally, chin up better days are ahead! She is lucky that the virus hasn't spread to her inner circle as the Brits have acted like total fools during this pandemic! We still see footage of sun bathing Brits in parks now being sent come by police, they are like Canadians, as soon as the weather gets warm and sunny they freak out and lose all sense! You especially see this in a similar rainy place like Vancouver but it kinda happens across the country, it's our northerly latitude I guess!?
     This week is leading up to Easter so I am expecting more religious nuts ignoring science and sense as I have seen on American news. So stupid but so is all religion! If this virus only wiped out the stupid maybe we could get something done in the next few years!? Wouldn't that be nice?

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