Monday, June 1, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, Space Force Parasite Joker riots!

     Our weather has been summer like the past while which is making everyone more nuts! I was afraid this would happen! Our dear leader Jason Kenney has said recently that covid is "no worse than the flu" as he announced more openings, in fact I expect most things to be back to normal by the middle of June! just in time for summer? More and more restrictions are being lifted and of course our millennial neighbours had to have a backyard party of about 6 or so people, there is just soooo much catching up to do, I knowwwww right!?!??! With cases in Calgary at 4800, compared to Edmontons 554 sure why not open everything right now!?!? Millennial idiots are so bored they need to drink on patios and socialize because they have so many important things to talk about!!!
     Last week or so ago a black man, George Floyd, was murdered by Police, wanted for maybe passing a counterfeit 20$ he was held down by several policemen until he couldn't breath while several cameras recorded it, from passersby and from security. The Police tried lying of course but there is so much footage including one really heart wrenching one we can hear him saying he can't breath, yet another in a long string of police brutality in America. Of course this erupted into fiery riots in Minneapolis where this happened, as I we were watching the riots on TV in my drunk and high on news state I said "this will spread to other cities" as it was Thursday the weekend was fast approaching. Turns out I was right! It is Monday now and there have been bad riots in almost every city in the US. I said this is not exactly about the issue at hand but also about Trump generally, being quarantined, out of work, all the stress of this past time, America is always so great isn't it!? Trump of course just makes it worse by tweeting shit like "when the looting starts the shooting starts" a quote from some white asshole in the civil rights era, also stuff like he will sick dogs on them, always with the dogs with this guy, what's with that? Also he wants to use the military to quell the riots as well as telling Governors "you have to dominate" or you will look weak, the typical crap from this Nazi we have heard for the last 4 years! It is funny to many that Republicans everywhere are parroting the idea that it is "organized anarchists" on the left stirring up trouble although we have heard garbage similar to this since the 1960's! It is also funny to me that Republicans in the Trump era have often tried to blame the antifascist ANTIFA for causing trouble, I have always said aren't we on the side of antifascists??? Who are the pro fascists? Trump and his ilk? Well, they are truthful about this one fact! If there are people who are resisting neo nazis and standing up to them I am all for it!!! I just wonder why we never hear about ANTIFA in any other country? Huh funny that! Anyway, through all this the Police just make it worse for themselves, driving their vehicles into crowds, arresting a black CNN reporter live on TV!!! ( I thought this should have garnered more attention than it did) and arresting other reporters and camera crews, coming out with a bogus autopsy while the family had a private one done which says death by suffocation, the powers that be just make it worse! We have heard Trump wanted to address the nation on Saturday night but was advised not to, no one wants to hear it anymore, I think that is also (as Oprah used to say) BIG! for once Trump is quiet and thank god, sheesh!!! Now on Monday mayors are trying to use curfews to control the riots, there is also the issue of covid19, oh shit we all forgot for one moment! Lots of folks without masks including the police so expect a surge in a couple of weeks!
     While Saturday was 28-29 degrees Sunday was insane rainfall, this is the season after all! We watched many Netflix things including Space Force with Steve Carrell, I love it, it's like old comedy we don't see anymore, I think my dad would have loved it! We watched the entire season. It's a comedy about US Military Intelligence and the many pissing contests between departments, the military and scientists, the head one played by John Malkovitch as the US tries to beat China to an established Moonbase, it's probably not far from the truth, that's why things are funny! We also watched the Oscar winner Parasite, I kept falling asleep so I watched it in 3 parts over three days, yeah, weird, I'm not sure it was the best pic, I am not even sure what it is about you know in a meaning or metaphor context? The better movie was Joker, yes dark and intense but also holding more meaning and metaphor for these times. It's like the real story of the Joker and Bruce Wayne as if told in gritty 70's Police drama and not comic form. It was much more impactful than Parasite but the Oscars are always dumb like this I can't hold it against them anymore! In the end of Joker Gotham has erupted into fiery dangerous riots fueled by the populist folk hero Joker. As I go to bed that night my TV is filled with live images of the riots in New York, reality reflects art once again! Is Trump like the Joker? The populist antihero fueling outrage in America? While I often call him a Joker the actual Joker character is much more likeable and moral and a victim, Trump is nothing but a populist immoral asshole who only thinks about himself! After 5pm now, more riots in DC on the TV right now, I'm going to have a drink on the patio!


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