Monday, March 23, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, Another Pleasant Valley Sunday

     Watched the Elton John Fantasy movie Rocketman Saturday Night, it's fun, I think it could have had more songs in it actually, maybe less dialogue? Feeling pretty good and awake to a very clear dawn, I can hear my lungs crackling like my Father in Law in the final stages of COPD it also reminds me of a movie monster that I can't quite remember, kind of like a giant snake, could be the modern Godzilla? My chest congestion gets better being vertical and the coughing is way down, it's frosty outside but the sun is melting it as soon as it touches it, the Monkees song Pleasant Valley Sunday comes to mind, it's funny to me in a creepy ironic way like an HBO drama. It's nice enough to have a coffee outside in the sun, Bella enjoys just hanging out and laying on the hard snow. The first seagulls are back, I can hear their comforting calls, the Robins won't be far behind now! It's one of those days when it feels like winter is leaving which is very special at this latitude, there are a few green shoots coming up in the front bed, crocus, daffodil and daylily, spring is here! My millennial neighbour is putting the cat out and remarks that we are on "day 6 of quarantine" and he is already bored, I am thinking that this is going to be hard for most people, people with jobs and friends and who need socializing.  Gord takes the dog for a morning run which she knows is the routine when he is around, usually weekends, but now it's all the time, she is a manipulator. I always take her after lunch, our normal routine, and today opt for a shorter neighbourhood walk since all the parks seem so crowded these days. I am learning that no matter where you go there are people with kids walking every where! I didn't know there were so many families in my neighbourhood, when we moved here 20 years ago it was all elderly people, sheesh!
My plan today is to get some of the shrubs trimmed in the backyard while they're still dormant, it's the best time to trim most trees and shrubs. It's very nice too warm for a coat or hoodie, the removal of the top of the topiaried Siberian Elm goes well, it's almost to tall to reach with the trimmers so needs to be shorter and the large lilac branch is also really easy to saw thru, who knew? So my chores are done pretty quickly. I listen to Pleasant Valley Sunday followed by World Destruction it's actually about nuclear war but fits these times quite well! After cleaning up the branches I decide to fix the back gate and talk to my neighbours from a safe distance, they are following social distancing, he is stocking up on beer and alcohol in case the stores get closed, I think there might be social disorder if this happened and if it did we would be in a pretty bad situation! For the first time in over a week I have a few beers, it's just like a nice Sunday anytime in history. We also discover that Neo Citron and Courvoisier go really well together. Gord makes a garlic knot bread in the ceramic bread cloche, it is wonderful so I change the menu to pork shoulder stewed in Ancho and Chipolte chilies. It's almost too flavorful and super filling, we watch a Norwegian Twilight Zone style show on Netflix, weird.

In the News: I always catch some news I just can't live life oblivious. CTV National's US reporter tells us some fun facts such as during Trumps 1.5 hour blabber fest Saturday US cases of Covid go up 1,000 and there are 2 deaths. Turns out the weather across Canada is pretty nice and there are problems of too many people at beaches and parks everywhere, Vancouver removes the large logs used for sheltering, sitting etc from  English Bay, too many people! I know, we talked to our other young neighbours  on their way to the park to meet some friends, I'm not sure how we are going to make people social distance themselves? However, it does seem that Canada is fairing much better than the US who now has the 3rd largest number of Covid cases in the world and has the fastest growing number of cases, which none of them are talking about!
We learn that US Senator Rand Paul has tested positive and has possibly exposed Senator Mitt Romney, in Trumps lowest moment as a human being his says in a sarcastic tone "Mitt Romney? Oh really, thats too bad." He will surely go the 7th level of Hell at this point!

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