Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Pandemic Journal, Tuesday, Jonesing For Kool-Aid, The Trump Death Cult

     Was up at 5am so watched some You Tube, a lot of the late night comedians are doing bits from home, it's like what I imagine they will be doing in year 10 of the Trump regime when he makes all criticism illegal. It's pretty weird, Seth Meyers at home in his hallway, Jimmy Kimmel driving around Beverly Hills talking to some guy (celebrity I don't know) thru a laptop taped to his car. Fall back asleep again until quarter to 10! Cripes! my day is off now, I don't really like sleeping in, one of the few days there is no Trump presser too. My mom called Gord as my phone says all circuits are busy, weird, I call her back later for chit chat and let her know I feel good, my cough is pretty much gone, the lung crackle too! The day is gloomy but more on the spring side of things than winter like last week. I take the dog for a walk by the Russian Church on the side of the hill overlooking the City, it is eerily quiet and I see an airplane for the first time in a week! There are much less people wandering around in this cool weather and Bella is much better behaved today.
      Joe Biden is making the rounds on media today, the View and Nicole Wallace's show, it's nice to hear a compassionate and sensible human being running for office, can't wait till this guy is President!
New York Governor Cuomo needs tens of thousands of supplies as NY becomes the new epicenter of the pandemic and New Jersey is quickly becoming the second, raising questions about the entire Eastern corridor.
A man has died and his spouse is in hospital after ingesting chloroquine phosphate because they heard the President touting the benefits of a different drug with the name chloroquine, this one is for cleaning fish tanks! People are stupid but this President is becoming a danger to the public!
Locally, Jason Kenney is still trying to fuck with Alberta doctors and hoping no one will notice during these times, it makes me so angry but I haven't had time to digest all the facts yet, my mom thinks that "they are not doing this" "oh yes they are" I say. The public will not stand for this I think.
I learned recently that the US is the fastest growing rate of corona in the world and post this fact on facebook to see what happens, in less than 5 minutes I get a "no it's not" enraged I find a really great site in about 30 seconds that gives stats for the world and clearly shows this fact, I post it quickly back, "scroll down honey and look at the numbers" I reply. Clearly the Trump idiots or Russian trolls or whoever these dimwits are need to know the facts, I don't know if it will help but this needs to start sinking into American minds, the American media is characteristically not reporting such a depressing fact. They are often like this in a crisis, bad at being self aware or critical of their own country's failings.
Last night we see a FOX news clip of the Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick say that he would sacrifice his life so his grandchildren can have the America he loves, that he and other old people should risk death from corona rather than shut down the country! This is just becoming a Jim Jones drink the Kool-Aid moment! Sheesh! OK dude maybe you would like to die for Trump but most people do not! God fuckin' sakes I cannot believe the insanity right now from these Trump cultists!!! I watched my dad and best friend die from cancer and can tell you they all said "I don't want to die!" at any age for any reason! I also really doubt some privileged rich white idiot would want to die for the economy or any reason, it would be a first in history I think! But are we going to endure more of this garbage from the right? From FOX news? From Trump ass-kissers like Pence and Cruz? Will they ask their base and viewing audience to suck it up and die for the love of Trump? Is it wise to ask or expect this much from your base? Even in Jim Jones' Guyana cult camp many tried to escape, there are always a few who try to escape in all the cult stories and usually innocent child victims perish from their nonsense as in Waco with that nut or Heavens Gate where they castrated themselves and set their houses on fire, the last one sounds like a parallel for the US right now!!! None the less Trump is pushing now for going back to normal at Easter, you know because Easter is so important to him or rather someone told him of the symbolic importance of this move, I guarantee you this dimwit knows nothing of the story of Jesus or any of the mythology around rebirth! He wants to see churches full of people on Easter Sunday now, for Christs sake, I just don't know how this episode of American history can become more like a weird apocalyptic Science Fiction?
In Canada Ontario has shut down all non-essential services, essential services include grocery, pharmacy, alcohol and marijuana stores, which answers a few of our questions at least. Not sure how we would stock up on beer to get thru an indeterminate amount of time!? The City should just hook up beer or wine to our water supply!
I have been looking at the numbers for a few countries on the corona website I found recently and it looks like Canada is no different than the US right now, scary, the graph just goes up and up. Looking at the China and Korea graphs is interesting as they have peaked but I need to know more about how to read them especially death and recovery graphs, hopefully I will find out soon, I usually do with these things.

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