Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Pandemic journal, Wednesday-Thursday

     Went to Safeway Wednesday, I figure even in non pandemic times this store is not very busy, this is my first time in a store since the last grocery mele. On my way I notice a playground is taped off in yellow "danger" tape, like a crime scene. I am correct this location is not very busy at all although there are signs that say "we are limiting sales of this item" things like hand sanitizer and rubber gloves are sold out as well the usual in these times, pasta, toilet paper, and canned goods. Selection of produce seems normal except I can't find a bag of onions, selection of many other items is limited, dairy and frozen and bread seem normal, go figure!? Large X's on the floor mark out where to stand in case of a line up, 6 feet or 2meters is the new public distance to know and keep! My cashier isn't very friendly, she should be lucky she has a job I think! Streets are eerily empty.
In the news Price Charles has contracted the virus and I'm not surprised the British have been acting very foolish in this pandemic.
I am tired of listening to news and press events and decide to make homemade dog treats as we are running low. It is easy with only a few ingredients, meat flavoured baby food, whole wheat flour and I added a little egg to bring it together. I add flax to the beef ones and oats to the turkey ones, Bella can't get enough! I also made sweet potato chips for dogs, sans sel (no salt), but I think they're pretty good too! It takes most of the afternoon and it strains my back to some degree so I decide to have a beer which turns into many after that! It's nice to have a day off of the plague!
     Thursday I decide to drop off my tax stuff to my accountant downtown, he is in mandatory 14 day isolation since returning from a Mexican vacation, I can just put it thru the mail slot. It's nice to drive all the way to the SW, actually past downtown, with minimal traffic, there is still plenty of construction all over and I sadly notice a development notice on one of the really old apartment blocks, The President, how depressing! Who will be moving to Calgary when oil is being phased out in the world and we will have American style health care soon? Yee Haw! None of the benefits of living in Canada and not America either, we also have really shitty weather at any time of the year too! Did we also mention the wind? I walk the dog to the usual field knowing most of it is underwater right now and also really muddy, thankfully there are less people everywhere today! New measures have been announced by the Federal Government, steep fines if you are a carrier who knowingly goes out in public from tens of thousands to a million$! It does seem less busy everywhere even though it's a pretty nice sunny day, a little too windy though. The US announces it will militarize the Canadian border, in places, it's a travesty our government is clearly trying to state to the Yanks. Such a dick move from President dipshit, the US has more cases than we will ever have and they are scared of us, such an idiot, I just can't wait till he is voted out or removed by sane people or this virus! The US has surpassed China and Italy this afternoon in number of cases, at 83,144, finally they may shout we're number 1!!! It seemed like cases in the states were going up by about 10,000 a day last week and now it seems more like 15,000 a day, when will this rate slow down? Probably not anytime soon according to the models! Also on the site I look at everyday the graph for Canada shows a decrease in new cases this week, some nice news for once, it would be great if all our measures of isolation are paying off! Dr. Phil is arguing with idots who do not believe in the pandemic or obey isolation measures, one a lady Gaga lookalike who is just a stupid 20 something in denial and the other a dumb southern minister who wants to open his church, the last one is the most concerning as it seems all these evangelical Trumpsters want to ignore science, this will not end well!!! But if people learn a lesson that religion is stupid and dangerous then so be it! I can't stop these nuts from drinking the kool-aid, I feel bad for the innocent citizens and children who will be victims and pray this evil stupidity will be wiped from Earth one day!

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